The Best Coffee Beans for Filter Coffee Machine

What is Filter Coffee?

Filter coffee is a type of coffee brewed by pouring hot water over ground coffee beans that have been placed in a paper filter, metal, or cloth filter. The liquid then passes through the filter into a pot or carafe and is ready to serve.

Choosing the Best Coffee Beans for Filter Coffee Machine

Picking the best coffee beans for filter coffee machine is super important. It's the first step to making your coffee taste great. With so many beans to choose from, it might seem tricky to know where to start. But don't worry! This guide is here to make it easy for you to pick the perfect beans. We'll look at different kinds of beans, what makes them special, and how they change the taste of your coffee. Whether you like your coffee bold, smooth, fruity, or well-balanced, we’ll help you find the best beans for your cup.

Filter Coffee Machine Moccamaster

Best Coffee Beans for a Balanced Flavour

If you prefer a well-balanced and smooth cup of coffee, certain coffee beans are particularly well-suited. Here are some of the best coffee beans for a balanced flavour profile:

  1. Colombian Excelso Huila - medium-dark: Colombian Huila beans are known for their medium body and moderate acidity. They offer a well-rounded flavour with notes of chocolate, caramel, and a hint of fruitiness. Colombian coffee is highly regarded for its exceptional quality and consistency, making it a popular choice for filter coffee enthusiasts. If you're looking for a versatile and crowd-pleasing option, Colombian coffee beans are a solid choice.
  2. Costa Rican Tarrazu - medium-dark roast: Costa Rican Tarrazu beans are celebrated for their bright acidity and clean flavour profile. They often exhibit flavours of citrus, honey, and brown sugar, creating a refreshing and vibrant cup of coffee. Costa Rican coffee is grown in high altitudes, which contributes to its exceptional quality and unique characteristics. If you enjoy a crisp and lively coffee experience, Costa Rican Tarrazu beans are worth trying in your filter coffee machine.
  3. Guatemalan Antigua - medium-dark roasted coffee: Guatemalan Antigua beans are renowned for their complex flavours and smooth body. They offer a well-balanced cup with notes of chocolate, nuts, and sometimes even floral undertones. The volcanic soil in the Antigua region imparts a distinct character to the coffee, resulting in a rich and satisfying brew. If you're seeking a coffee with depth and complexity, Guatemalan Antigua beans are an excellent choice for your filter coffee machine.

Best Coffee Beans for a Bold and Strong Flavour

Filter Coffee Machine Brewing

If you prefer a more intense and robust coffee experience, certain coffee beans are specifically suited for those who enjoy a bold and strong cup of coffee.

  1. Caffe Italiano: This blend is roasted to a point where the sugars in the beans caramelise, resulting in a deep and smoky flavour profile. If you enjoy strong and full-bodied coffee with a rich and robust flavour, Caffe Italiano coffee is a perfect choice for your filter coffee machine.
  2. Cafe Francais: Cafe Francais blend is roasted until the beans reach a dark brown or almost black colour, resulting in a strong and bold flavour. French roast beans offer a smoky and bittersweet taste with a heavy body and minimal acidity.
  3. Sumatra Mandheling - dark roast: Sumatra Mandheling beans offer a bold and robust cup of coffee with low acidity and a distinct herbal undertone. Sumatra coffee is known for its unique processing method called "wet-hulling," which gives the beans their signature flavour characteristics. If you crave a coffee with a strong and earthy taste, Sumatra Mandheling beans are an excellent choice for your filter coffee machine.

Best Coffee Beans for a Smooth and Mellow Flavour

These beans offer a gentle and soothing cup of coffee that is perfect for those who appreciate a more laid-back and easygoing coffee experience. Here are some of the best coffee beans for a smooth and mellow flavour:

  1. Brazilian Santos - medium-dark roast coffee beans: Brazilian Santos beans are known for their mild and smooth flavour profile. They offer a low acidity and a gentle sweetness with notes of chocolate, nuts, and caramel. Brazilian coffee is widely consumed around the world due to its approachable and easy-drinking nature. If you enjoy a coffee with a smooth and balanced taste, Brazilian Santos beans will provide a satisfying and comforting cup in your filter coffee machine.
  2. Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Koke - medium roasted coffee: Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Koke beans are celebrated for their delicate and floral flavour profile. They often exhibit notes of jasmine, bergamot, and blueberry, creating an elegant and aromatic coffee experience. Ethiopian coffee is highly regarded for its exceptional quality and distinct taste. If you appreciate a coffee with a refined and complex flavour, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Koke beans are a perfect match for your filter coffee machine.

Best Coffee Beans for a Fruity and Aromatic Flavour

These beans showcase the natural sweetness and complexity of the coffee, creating a cup that is bursting with fruity notes. Here are some of the best coffee beans for a fruity and aromatic flavour: 

  1. Kenyan Bora - medium-dark roasted coffee beans: Kenyan Bora beans are renowned for their bright acidity and rich flavour profile. They often exhibit flavours of blackcurrant, red berries, and a hint of wine-like acidity. Kenyan coffee is considered among the finest in the world, thanks to the unique combination of high-altitude cultivation, rich volcanic soil, and meticulous processing. If you appreciate a coffee with a vibrant and fruity taste, Kenyan Bora beans are a must-try for your filter coffee machine.
  2. Ethiopian Sidamo - medium roasted coffee beans: Ethiopian Sidamo beans are known for their complex and fruity flavour profile. They often feature notes of blueberry, strawberry, and a hint of chocolate. Ethiopian coffee is revered for its ancient heritage and diverse taste profiles. Sidamo beans, in particular, offer a distinct and captivating coffee experience that will transport your senses to the coffee farms of Ethiopia. If you're looking for a coffee with a rich and fruity aroma, Ethiopian Sidamo beans are a perfect choice for your filter coffee machine. 
  3. Rwanda Inzovu - medium-dark roasted coffee beans: Rwanda Inzovu beans are known for their almost fruity, nutty aroma. These beans feature flavours of honey, brown sugar, and light roasted nuts. The Inzovu cultivar of Rwanda is renowned for producing coffee with a lingering, sweet aftertaste. This bean is a great choice for anyone who loves filter coffee and wants to explore the sweeter side of speciality coffees.

Filter coffee is a versatile and complex beverage with a wide range of strength, flavour, and aroma options. Whether you prefer a bright and fruity flavour profile or a bold and robust cup of coffee, there's a suitable coffee bean for every taste. 

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