Kyoto-Style Slow Coffee Cold Brew Method

Unveiling the Kyoto Chill: A Redber Coffee Guide to Slow Coffee Cold Brew

Unwind and savour the exquisite taste of Kyoto-style slow coffee.  Here at Redber Coffee, we're all about uncovering the hidden depths of flavour within every bean. Today, we delve into the captivating world of Kyoto-style slow coffee, a  mesmerizing cold brew technique that prioritises patience and yields a uniquely smooth and refreshing cup.

What is Kyoto-style Slow Coffee?

Forget the quick fix of a morning pour-over. Kyoto-style slow coffee, also known as Kyoto drip coffee or Japanese slow drip, elevates cold brew to an art form.

This method employs a visually stunning hourglass-shaped brewer, where ice water meticulously drips, drop by agonising drop, through a bed of coffee grounds. This slow and deliberate extraction crafts a remarkably smooth and nuanced cold brew concentrate.

KyotoCoffeestyle I Redber Coffee

Understanding Cold Brew: The Foundation of Slow Coffee

While Kyoto-style brewing takes cold brew to new heights, it's crucial to understand the core principles of cold brew itself. Unlike traditional hot coffee brewing, cold brew utilizes cold or room-temperature water for an extended steeping period. This bypasses the bitterness associated with hot water extraction, resulting in a naturally sweeter, less acidic cup.

The Allure of Slow: The Kyoto-style Brewing Process

  1. Gather your tools: You'll need a Kyoto-style dripper, available for purchase on our Redber Coffee website alongside our freshly roasted beans! Look for coarsely ground coffee, ice, and filtered water.
  2. Prepare the brewer: Add the coarsely ground coffee to the top chamber of the dripper. We recommend checking out our selection of specialty-grade beans – lighter roasts or single-origin beans with fruity or floral notes are perfect for Kyoto brewing!
  3. Ice, Glorious Ice: Fill the upper reservoir with ice. This not only chills the water but also creates a gentle pressure to push the water through the grounds.
  4. The Slow Dance Begins: As the ice melts, water drips slowly through the coffee, extracting flavor over an extended period.
  5. Patience is a Virtue: Depending on your desired strength, the brewing process can take anywhere from 4 to 12 hours.
  6. Savoring the Reward: Once complete, the extracted coffee collects in the carafe below. Enjoy it black, dilute it with water or milk, or get creative with cocktails and mocktails.
Kyoto-style slow drip brewer I Redber Coffee

"Life's too short for a bad coffee."

Gord Downie

Benefits of the Kyoto Method

The meticulous process of Kyoto-style brewing yields a cold brew with several distinct advantages:

  • Smoothness Supreme: The slow, cold extraction minimizes bitterness and acidity, resulting in a remarkably smooth and mellow cup.
  • Flavorful Finesse: The extended extraction period allows for a deeper exploration of the coffee's natural flavor profile.
  • Long-lasting Enjoyment: Your Kyoto brew concentrate can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, offering a steady supply of refreshing coffee.
  • Visually Stunning: Let's not forget the mesmerizing beauty of the Kyoto dripper itself, making the brewing process a captivating experience.
Coffee Roast Levels I Redber Coffee

Kyoto vs. Other Cold Brew Methods

While Kyoto takes slow coffee to the next level, it's worth comparing it to other cold brew techniques:

  • Immersion Cold Brew: This popular method involves steeping coffee grounds in cold water for 12-24 hours. While less visually dramatic, it's a simpler and more space-saving option that yields a delicious cold brew.
  • Toddy Cold Brew System: This user-friendly system simplifies immersion cold brew with a specialized container and filter.

Coffee  Science I Redber Coffee
Coffee Cup I Redber Coffee

At Redber Coffee, we're passionate about providing you with everything you need to elevate your coffee experience. We source only the finest specialty-grade coffee beans, roasted to perfection to unlock their unique flavor profiles. Whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or just starting your exploration, we offer a diverse selection of beans to suit your taste. In addition to our beans, we stock a variety of brewing equipment, including the captivating drippers, perfect for crafting a smooth and refreshing cold brewVisit our website today to discover your perfect cup!

Ready to embark on your Kyoto slow coffee adventure? Visit our Redber Coffee website to browse our selection of specialty-grade coffee beans, perfectly suited for unlocking the magic of Kyoto-style brewing. 

If you want to buy some coffee or equipment to make it, you can check out more on our store

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What grind size is best for Kyoto brewing?

  • For optimal results, use a coarse grind similar to what you'd use for a French press. This allows for proper water flow through the grounds without creating a harsh or bitter taste.

2. How much coffee should I use for Kyoto brewing?

  • A good starting point is a 1:7 coffee-to-water ratio. This means using 1 gram of coffee for every 7 grams of water. You can adjust this ratio based on your desired strength.

3. Can I reuse the coffee grounds after Kyoto brewing?

Technically, yes, you can reuse the grounds for a second extraction. However, the flavor will be significantly weaker. We recommend using fresh grounds for each batch to ensure the best possible taste.

4. How long will my Kyoto brew concentrate last?

Stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator, your Kyoto brew concentrate can last for up to 3-5 days.

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