Coffee Filter Paper Types & Sizes

There are numerous coffee paper filter sizes, brands, and types in the market. The majority of home filter machines in the UK will take a simple flat bottomed 4 cup cone paper coffee filter (also know as a size 4, or 4K).

In general for each size you can use 20 grams of coffee, which will produce up to 300ml of brewed coffee eg 2 cup machine produce about 600ml, and 4 cups top out at around 1.25 to 1.5 litres.

What size coffee filter do I need? 

Your machine may describe its capacity as 12 to 15 cups: this refers a cup of about 100ml, and not full mugs. For such a machine use a 4 cup filter.


Filter Machine 1 Cup Filter 2 Cup Filter 3 Cup Filter 4 Cup Filter
Melitta Aromafilter 1 x 2
Melitta Aromafilter 1 x 4
Clever Dripper (L)
Aroma Filter Machines
Russel Hobbs Filter Coffee Makers
Morphy Richards Filter Coffee Maker
Philips Filter Coffee Makers
Melitta Aromaboy Filter Coffee Makers
Cuisinart 2 Cup Filter Coffee Makers
Most other Cuisinart Filter Coffee Makers
Technivorm Moccamaster
Technivorm "One Cup" Filter Coffee Machine
De'Longhi Filter Coffee Makers


Bleached/White or Unbleached/Brown Coffee Filter Papers: Which is better?

This is largely up to you. There subtle taste differences to be found but opinions do vary, and it is probably best forming your own. Certainly brown papers are more environmentally friendly.

There are also some exciting options to consider in the Melitta Gourmet paper coffee filter range, with papers that offer more intense, or more mild, or more organic options depending on your tastes.

We also stock paper filters for Aerobi Aeropress, Bravilor, Chemex, Filtropa, Filtra and Hario Dripper Filters