PERU CHANCHAMAYO - Medium-Dark Roast Coffee

£6.75 Sale Save
Redber, PERU CHANCHAMAYO - Medium-Dark Roast Coffee, Redber Coffee
Redber, PERU CHANCHAMAYO - Medium-Dark Roast Coffee, Redber Coffee
Redber, PERU CHANCHAMAYO - Medium-Dark Roast Coffee, Redber Coffee
Redber, PERU CHANCHAMAYO - Medium-Dark Roast Coffee, Redber Coffee
Redber, PERU CHANCHAMAYO - Medium-Dark Roast Coffee, Redber Coffee
Redber, PERU CHANCHAMAYO - Medium-Dark Roast Coffee, Redber Coffee
Redber, PERU CHANCHAMAYO - Medium-Dark Roast Coffee, Redber Coffee
Redber, PERU CHANCHAMAYO - Medium-Dark Roast Coffee, Redber Coffee

PERU CHANCHAMAYO - Medium-Dark Roast Coffee

£6.75 Sale Save


Grind Beans
Weight 250g

Peru Chanchamayo Medium-Dark Roast Coffee has a milder flavour with a medium body and a subtle sweetness. Floral aromas are still present along with subtle notes of caramel, cedar, and cinnamon. 

What you need to know...

  • Flavours - caramel, cedar, cinnamon, 
  • Aroma - sweet floral, 
  • Body - medium
  • Acidity - citric

Perfect for...

Filter, drip, aeropress, 

The finer details... 

  • Country: Peru
  • Altitude: 1200 - 1350m above sea level 
  • Harvest Period: June - August/September
  • Varietal: Caturra, Typica, Pache, Bourbon
  • Process: Washed, sun dried
  • Cupping score: 80+

The farms belong to small producers with less than two hectares of land that generate around 3,000 lbs. of coffee per harvest. This coffee is shade grown at high altitudes in order to produce a denser bean and a more complex cup characteristic as a result of its slow maturation process. In addition, the producers have made a remarkable effort to produce a high quality bean by only using sustainable farming practices.


Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
jonathan h.

As usual, great service, great coffee, these people really know know how to look after their beans and roast them.

steve g.
Take a chanch on me

This is unlike any other Redber coffee I have tried.It is clearly very classy. It has some vegetal notes which are interesting, and it is also less sweet than most coffees - not bitter at all - but not sweet. This seems contrary to some other reviewer's findings.
You mention cedar in its profile which is, of course, a very big vegetable. I think I detect some smaller ones.
An interesting beverage.

Excellent all round coffee

I've used this coffee in pour over, Moka pot, aeropress, and filter, and it has been fantastic in all. Very smooth, nice chocolatey all round coffee

Claire W.
Lovely smooth coffee.

I really liked this. Works well for Americano with a bit of millk. I think it will replace Columbia Huilo Excelsio as my go-to coffee.