Our Aim
Redber has always aimed to be the 'Sweet Shop' of coffee Roastery's. As a child, when walking into a sweet shop you knew exactly what direction you were going in to fill your bag with your favourite flavours. Whilst browsing our collection there should be no flavour left unfound. Whether you are looking for flavours of chocolate, citrus, nut or any other we should have a coffee for you.
Our Responsibility
When sourcing a collection of 40+ different single origin coffees and blends we have a responsibility to ensure suppliers we are working with have a strong ethos when it comes to Quality, Sustainability & traceability.
For the farms and farmers we ensure they are receiving a fair price as well as helping local communities and sustainably growing.
About our suppliers
GE import

GE Coffees is an independently owned trading company founded in London in 2017, with the aim to connect producers and roasters in a common language of quality and direct trade on green coffee business.
Our mission is to provide the best Specialty Coffees trading services to benefit the global coffee community. Our focus and energy are directed towards the Quality of Specialty Coffees, and on supplying it on a simple, direct and fast way.
Green Collection

Our partnership with farms and Associations ensures that all our coffees are completely traceable from the Farm to Cup, giving the consumer that experience of tasting those special profiles of Micro-Lots harvested from a single Colombian Farm.
Through partnerships with the farmers our Social practices ensure that all benefit. Paying the farmer a real fair price, based on quality and incentives on sales.
InterAmerican Coffee

Our decades of experience in green coffee have also shown us the roles we can play in helping to ensure a healthy future for specialty coffee. So it’s also our mission to seek out, build, support and foster sustainable relationships—with our suppliers, our customers, our communities and the environment.