- Farmed at Hacienda Montecristo family estate farm. They have been an estate farm since 1910 and have been farming coffee since 1916.

- Part of the 4C Association and are Rainforest Alliance certified.

- They have a Socio-Environmental responsibility - working with the community and local schools.
- The largest employer in the region.

- Provided by Stockler, one of the leading coffee exporters in Brazil.
Stockler work together with Nestlé Nespresso S.A, promoting a sustainable production of high quality coffees and helping farmers to get certified by Rainforest Alliance. They are a partner in Nestlé Nespresso's AAA QualityTM Program.

- Within the 4C Association, coffee farmers, trade and industry and civil society from around the world work together for more sustainability in the entire coffee sector.
- They also export coffee from Rainforest Alliance CertifiedTM farms, who promote the well-being of farm workers.
- Besides the certifications, they joined forces with the "Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung" to establish a local branch of the foundation to promote sustainability in the coffee sector.
